» Seminar “DC Algorithm for image denoising based on dictionary learning”

Seminar “DC Algorithm for image denoising based on dictionary learning”

Abstract: Image denoising is a challenging task and defined as an inverse problem of estimating a signal from the noisy measured version. (Vo and Le Thi, 2015) has presented a DC algorithm for the image denoising problem using sparse representation and dictionary learning when approximated l0-norm by capped-l1function (Peleg and Meir, 2008). In this report, we will study the Exponential function (Bradley, 1998) to approximate l0- norm and propose a DC algorithm for this new approximation problem. The algorithm will be applied in denoising problem. Experimental results on the real data sets are promising and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

For admission inquiries, please contact:

Ms.Linh Dang

Email: linhdd@isvnu.vnadmission@isvnu.vn

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